To get independent financing, you need a business plan that spells out all the details of your proposal.

This plan must not only look impressive, it has to be accurate and finely detailed.

A key element of the plan is a detailed budget. If you just want a bottom line figure on a generalized budget, there are
websites that will sell you one for a few hundred dollars. But those "quick" budgets are not specific enough. A twenty-
page budget may look good in the business plan, but it is not production ready. Knowledgeable financiers can see right through it and it could hurt you when you get into pre-production.

Picking a random number of days just for budgetary purposes has no relevance to your project and is just a placeholder.

You need an itemized budget created specifically for your project. To get that detailed budget, you need a breakdown and shooting schedule.

We give you a 60-120 page itemized budget (depending on the script) along with a breakdown, a day out of days and a strip board.

We are expert in advising you which location would be best suited for your project, and which cities will offer you the best tax incentives or rebates.

We do budgets for Feature Films, Movies of the Week, 1 Hour Pilots, 1/2 Hour Pilots, and Amortized Series Budgets.

Budgets and schedules generally take 2-3 weeks.  (Scripts must be supplied as a Final Draft Document).
(Payable in 2 installment) 
(Requires Final Draft Document)
Feature Film or M.O.W   (1 or 2 Shooting Cities)   INCLUDES SCHEDULE
[Contact us for price on low budget projects]

1 Hour Television Pilot  
(1 or 2 Shooting Cities)

½ Hour Television Pilot  
(1 or 2 Shooting Cities)

Amortized and Pattern Series Budgets

Additional Shooting Cities 
(per city)

Add’l Fee for scripts supplied as formatted PDF or WORD Doc
(per page)

Add’l Fee for scripts supplied as unformatted PDF or WORD Doc Scripts
(per page)

Add’l Fee for Script supplied as Hard Copy
(per page)
$ 2,750

$ 2,250



$ 500

$ 1.75

$ 6.00

$ 7.00
On a small budget?    Contact us for prices.
(Payable in 2 installment) 
(Requires Final Draft Document)
Feature Film or M.O.W   (1 or 2 Shooting Cities)

1 Hour Television Pilot  
(1 or 2 Shooting Cities)

½ Hour Television Pilot  
(1 or 2 Shooting Cities)

Additional Shooting Cities 
(per city)

Add’l Fee for scripts supplied as formatted PDF or WORD Doc
(per page)

Add’l Fee for scripts supplied as unformatted PDF or WORD Doc Scripts
(per page)

Add’l Fee for Script supplied as Hard Copy
(per page)
$ 1,500

$ 1,000

$ 750

$ 250

$ 1.75

$ 6.00

$ 5.00